Friday, December 26, 2014

We are in our new home!

Today I am logged into a computer at the Kyneton Library, where I have access to the Internet. This has become necessary because efforts to get 'connected' at our new home have so far been only minimally successful. I have just a few photos on my memory stick, so I will upload them.

#1. This is one of the views that we are becoming accustomed to.

Early morning, looking out from our living room.  If you look closely you can see a flock of large white birds (corellas) in the paddock.

In addition we see and hear parrots, magpies, kookaburras and many other birds.

Kangaroos, ducks, and occasional rabbits or hares make visits.
#2. Uncle Josh reading a story to Ame and Lucinda.

#3. Poppy, in the late afternoon.

The next two pictures were taken by one of the children - either Amelie, Evie or James.  They all love taking pictures!

#4. Granny with baby Isaac.

#5.  Grandpa

I would now like to take you through our new home.

This picture is taken from a road on a ridge that we can see from our place.

This is where we sit for a cup of tea and a chat.

Kitchen, table and chairs

The little Bonsai trees are also very happy in their new home.  My friend Evelyn helped move them without any damage.

Bubbles, the cat, has made the transition to a new home well.

Ame told her own version of the Christmas story.

Grandpa read a story while Christmas lunch was being prepared.

yummy food
Ready to give thanks. 

The children opened their gifts.

Isaac did his bit too!
Delicious desserts - Poppy's mini-pavlovas and Bec's Christmas pudding

Paul and Poppy worked on setting up the trampoline