Sunday, December 25, 2011

With our love at Christmas

... and as we move into the new year 2012.

Our thoughts go out to loved ones around the world as we celebrate our Lord’s coming as a human child into this world.

Noel and I are well, and thankful for the many aspects of life that add richness and depth to our experience, and enable us to bring support and strength to others.

We live in a rapidly changing world. Many of the experiences we encounter are not what we would choose, if we had the opportunity. Yet the principles of a good life will endure: to act with justice, to love kindness (mercy), and to walk humbly with our God (Micah6:8).

We love receiving greetings and news, whether by post or electronic, and look forward to opportunities to spend time face to face. In the mean time, we pray that you will know God’s blessing and strength.

This post also appears at our annual letter blog. In addition, here are a few recent pictures, bringing you up to date with our family.

Josh and Anna with Eve
Poppy and Paul
Bec, Joy, Mizz