Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mount Tamborine

It's exhilarating to take in the magnificent views from this mountain.
Yes, we went through some craft shops, and had coffee in the village, but the moments captured in this picture are what made the visit memorable for me. (you can enlarge the picture with a left click)

Wilston and Windsor

Noel's father was minister at Wilston Presbyterian Church when he was born. We visited that church on Sunday.

The neighbouring church is Windsor, where we were married, so we went there as the next step in our walk down memory lane.

Family reunion

This past Saturday Noel, Mizz and I attended the White family reunion at Petrie. A reflection on Angelina White, who was mother to 11 children, can be found at

In these photos above, you see
1. the 'Frank White' section of the family - ie those who are descendants of Frank, who is the son of James and Angelina White.
2. Aunty Ruth, Chris, Jess, Mizz

After the family reunion we stopped at Bald Hills, where my family and I lived for several years. Our father was minister at the church (pictured). Anna and I revisited our old school, Bald Hills Primary.